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Writer's pictureKirk Keebler

Dexter Boys & Girls knock off Monroe & Bedford in Double Dual Meet at Al Ritt

Dexter hosted Monroe and Temperance Bedford on Tuesday for a “Double Dual Meet”. The boys beat both Monroe 83 to 54, and Bedford 74 to 58. The girls were double winners as well, with a score of 80 to 57 over Monroe, and topped Bedford 86 to 50.

Highlights of the boys on the track were Josiah Hayter winning both hurdle races; the 110m high hurdles at 17.04, and the 300m hurdles with 46.03. Jonny Adamczyk was another double placer winning the 400m at 54.44, and 3rd in the 200m at 24.68. Josh Lamb also scored in 2 races, 1st in the 3200m with 10:33.80, and 2nd in the 1600m at 4:42.09. Brandon Anderson won the 800m with a time of 2:05.76, and Cole Sheldon took 3rd in the 100m at 11.84.

Boys field events had 2 double placers of their own. James Livingston won the Shot Put at 45’9” and took 3rd in the Discus at 120’8”. Cole Sheldon won the Pole Vault with a jump of 13’6” and took 2nd in the Long Jump at 19’6.5”. Sam Fitzpatrick won the High Jump at 5’8”.

Field events for the Girls saw Jamie Giese winning the Shot Put at 36’6”, and 2nd in the Discus at 103’2”. Teammate Sophia Mettes won the Pole Vault at 11’0”. Finishing off with the track results, Isabella Gaetino won the 100m at 13.67, Hannah Berenson was 2nd in the 400m with a time of 1:02.89, and Cecelia Tagliabue was 2nd in the 300m Hurdles at 52.14. In the 800m, Ashley Mitchell won with 2:29.60, Amanda McGill won the 1600m with 5:49.36, and Annabel O’Haver won the 3200m with 12:22.38. Dexter heads up to Brighton on Saturday to compete in the Brighton Bulldog Relays.

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